In 2020, we embarked on a journey to transform Ludhiana with a vision—Lungs of Ludhiana.
Here's how we supercharge plant growth in a Guru Nanak Sacred Forest!
Guru Nanak's Sacred Forest of over 10,000 trees of 43 native species, is being planted at PAU
See how native trees are growing in the Guru Nanak Sacred Forest!
Wishing everyone a blessed Guru Granth Sahib Prakash Divas!
This is how watering of trees is done in a Guru Nanak Sacred Forest.
Today's journey brings us to a unique road divider where multiple plant species thrive together.
Over 1,200 trees out of 10,000 have been planted at Punjab Agricultural University!
Sikh children doing gardening project at EcoSikh youth camp in Washington
Before the plantation of the Guru Nanak Sacred Forest at GRD Academy, biodiversity was scarce...
Beauty of Guru Nanak Sacred Forest, where the Greater Coucal represents the thriving life within.
Exciting progress at the PAU Guru Nanak Sacred Forest!
In just 2 years, the Guru Nanak Sacred Forest has transformed into a lush oxygen hub.
Serene beauty of Guru Granth Sahib Bagh, where nature's tranquility meets cultural heritage.
Guru Nanak Sacred Forest, where 10,000 trees are being planted at Punjab Agricultural University.