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CleanAirPunjab : Virtual Convening 23 June 2021

Virtual Convening 23 June 2021 – CleanAirPunjab

Deteriorating air quality needs to be challenged by well-informed and organized teams of citizens

Concerned citizens from across Punjab along with a panel of well-known experts came together on Wednesday for a virtual discussion- ‘Air Quality Management in Punjab’ as part of the Clean Air Punjab network in collaboration with EcoSikh. The session ensued a detailed discussion about the rising air pollution as well as the steps that need to be taken up by authorities as well as the community to manage the deteriorating air quality. 

A series of campaigns have been initiated by the Clean Air Punjab, which is a citizens initiative along with EcoSikh to promote awareness among people as well as sensitization of degradation of the environment and the rising air pollution levels in Punjab. 


  1. Sarath Guttikunda –  Founder/ Director of Urban Emissions
  2. Dr. Prabhjyot Kaur Sidhu – Principal Scientist & Head of Department of Climate Change & Agricultural Meteorology, PAU.
  3. Tanushree Ganguly –  Programme Lead, Risks & Adaption – Air Quality Council on Energy, Environment and Water (CEEW)
  4. Kahan Singh Pannu – Advisor to NHAI, Punjab region
  5. Raj Ratra – Senior Environmental Engineer, PPCB
  6. Jaskirat Singh – Founder and CEO of Webrosoft IT Entrepreneur & Environment Activist
  7. Gunjan Jain –  Global Strategic Communications Council

Zoom Audience – 96, Outreach – 50k people. The event was live on Facebook – https://fb.watch/7Amd7IgR7w/

Press Release – Coverage in 18 Newspapers https://www.tribuneindia.com/news/ludhiana/experts-hold-discussion-on-air-quality-management-in-punjab-273183